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A WinForms control for displaying diagrams.
public class Display : UserControl, IDiagramPresenter, IDisplayService |
A WinForms control for displaying diagrams.
Public Properties
Name |
Description |
ActiveLayers |
Returns the active layers as bitwise combination of LayerIds flags. |
ActiveTool |
Provides access to the currently active tool. |
BackColor |
Specifies the background color of the component. |
BackColorGradient |
Specifies the gradient color of the component's background. |
BackgroundGradientAngle |
Specifies the angle of the background's color gradient. |
ConnectionPointShape |
Specifies the shape of the grips drawn for a selected shape's connection control points. |
ContextMenuStrip |
Provides access to the component's context menu strip. |
ControlPointAlpha |
Specifies the transparency of control point grips. |
Diagram |
Provides access to the current diagram. |
DiagramSetController |
Provides access to the DiagramSetController. |
DisplayService |
Provides access to the display service. |
DrawBounds |
Returns the area that is used for drawing the diagram. This is the control's bounds minus the scrollbar's bounds. |
GridAlpha |
Specifies the transparency of the grid lines. |
GridColor |
Specifies the color of the grid lines. |
GridSize |
Specifies the distance between the grid lines. |
GripSize |
Specifies the size of control point grips. |
HiddenLayers |
Returns the hidden layers as bitwise combination of LayerIds flags. |
HideDeniedMenuItems |
Specifies whether menu items that are not granted should be hidden. |
HighQualityBackground |
Specifies whether the background should be filled with a solid color or color gradient. |
HighQualityRendering |
Specifies whether high quality or low quality rendering settings should be used for rendering. See RenderingQualityHighQuality and RenderingQualityLowQuality. |
IsGridVisible |
Specifies wether the grid should be drawn or not. |
IsSheetVisible |
Specifies whether the diagram sheet (including its shadow) is visible or not. |
MinRotateRange |
Specifies the minimum distance of the mouse cursor from the shape's rotate point while rotating. |
ProductVersion |
The version of the component. |
Project |
Provides access to the DiagramSetController's project. |
PropertyController |
Provides access to the display's property controller. |
RenderingQualityHighQuality |
Specifies the RenderingQuality in high quality mode. |
RenderingQualityLowQuality |
Specifies the RenderingQuality in low quality mode. |
ResizeGripShape |
Specifies the shape of the grips drawn for a selected shape's resize control points. |
SelectedShapes |
Provides an IShapeCollection of selected shapes. |
SelectionHighlightColor |
Specifies the color of the selection indicator (shape outline and control point grips) when drawing highlighted shapes or grips. |
SelectionInactiveColor |
Specifies the color of the selection indicator (shape outline and control point grips) when drawing inactive / deactivated shapes or grips. |
SelectionNormalColor |
Specifies the color of the selection indicator (shape outline and control point grips) when drawing shapes or grips. |
ShowDefaultContextMenu |
If true, the standard context menu is created from MenuItemDefs. If false, a user defined context menu is shown without creating additional menu items. |
ShowScrollBars |
Specifies wether the scrollbars should be drawn or not. |
SnapDistance |
Specifies the distance for snapping shapes and control points to grid lines. |
SnapToGrid |
Specifies wether shapes and control points should be snapped to grid lines. |
ToolPreviewBackColor |
Specifies the background color of Tool's preview hints. |
ToolPreviewColor |
Specifies the foreground color of Tool's preview hints. |
ZoomedGripSize |
Provides access to the transformed size of grips. |
ZoomLevel |
Specifies the zoom level in percentage. |
ZoomWithMouseWheel |
Specifies wether the mouse wheel should be used for zooming. |
Name |
Description |
Clear |
Clears the display and all its buffers. |
Constructor |
Constructs a new instance. |
ControlToDiagram |
Transforms the given coordinates coordinates to diagram coordinates. |
Copy |
Copies the selected shapes (with or without model objects). |
Cut |
Cuts the selected shapes (with or without model objects). |
Delete |
Deletes the selected shapes (with or without model objects). |
DiagramToControl |
Transforms the given diagram coordinates to control coordinates. |
DrawAnglePreview |
Draws a rotation angle preview for rotating shapes. |
DrawCaptionBounds |
Draws the bounds of a caption's text. |
DrawConnectionPoint |
Draws a shape's connection control point. |
DrawLine |
Draws a line in the preview colors. |
DrawResizeGrip |
Draws a shape's resize control point. |
DrawRotateGrip |
Draws a shape's rotate control point. |
DrawSelectionFrame |
Draws a selection frame in preview colors. |
DrawShape |
Draws the given shape. |
DrawShapes |
Draws the given shapes. |
DrawSnapIndicators |
Draws snap indicators for the given shape. |
EnsureVisible |
Ensures that the given area is visible in the display. |
GetMenuItemDefs |
Returns a list of MenuItemDefs. |
InvalidateDiagram |
Invalidates the given region of the diagram. |
InvalidateGrips |
Invalidates the indicated grips. |
InvalidateSnapIndicators |
Invalidates the snap indicators of the given shapes. |
IsLayerActive |
Tests wether all of the given layers are active. |
IsLayerVisible |
Tests wether any of the given layers is visible. |
OpenDiagram |
Fetches the indicated diagram from the repository and displays it. |
OpenCaptionEditor |
Opens a caption editor for the indicated caption. |
Paste |
Pastes shapes from the copy/paste buffer into the current diagram. |
ResetTransformation |
Resets transformation of the graphics context. |
RestoreTransformation |
Restores transformation of the graphics context. |
ScreenToDiagram |
Transforms screen coordinates to diagram coordinates. |
SelectAll |
Selects all shapes of the diagram. |
SelectShape |
Adds the given shape to the collection of selected shapes. |
SelectShapes |
Adds the given shapes to the collection of selected shapes. |
SetCursor |
Sets the registered cursor with the given cursor id as the control's cursor. |
SetLayerActive |
Adds the given layers to the active layers. |
SetLayerVisibility |
Sets visibility of the given layers. |
UnselectAll |
Unselect all shapes. |
UnselectShape |
Unselect the given shapes. |
Name |
Description |
ActiveLayersChanged |
Occurs when the active layers were changed. |
DiagramChanged |
Occurs when the diagram changed. |
DiagramChanging |
Occurs when the diagram is going to be changed. |
LayerVisibilityChanged |
Occurs when the visibility of layers was changed. |
ShapeClick |
Occurs when a shape was clicked. |
ShapeDoubleClick |
Occurs when a shape was double clicked. |
ShapeInsert |
Occurs when a shape was inserted into the display's diagram. |
ShapeRemove |
Occurs when a shape was removed from the display's diagram. |
ShapesSelected |
Occurs when shapes were selected. |
ZoomChanged |
Occurs when the zoom level changed. |
Name |
Description |
DiagramController |
The DiagramPresenter's DiagramController. |
Protected Properties
Name |
Description |
Dispose |
Implementation of Control.Dispose. |
DrawConnectionPointCore |
Draws a shape's connection control point grip. |
DrawResizeGripCore |
Draws a shape's resize control point grip. |
DrawRotateGripCore |
Draws a shape's rotate control point grip. |
Namespace: Dataweb.NShape.WinFormsUI
Assembly: Dataweb.NShape.WinFormsUI