TurboDB VCL Component Library



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Specifies what the TTdbBatchMove object does when the Execute method is called.

Delphi syntax:

property Mode: TTdbBatchMode;

C++ syntax:

__property Tdbtypes::TTdbBatchMode Mode = {read=FMode, write=FMode, nodefault};


Use Mode to indicate whether the TTdbBatchMove object should add records, replace records, delete records, or copy the Source. These are the possible values for Mode:

tbmAppendAppend the records in the source to the destination table. The destination table must already exist, and the two tables must not have records with duplicate keys. This is the default mode.
tbmUpdateReplace records in the destination table with matching records from the source table. The destination table must exist and must have an index defined to match records.
tbmAppendUpdateIf a matching record exists in the destination table, replace it. Otherwise, append records to the destination table. The destination table must exist and must have an index defined to match records.
tbmCopyCreate the destination table based on the structure of the source table. If the destination already exists, the operation will delete it, and replace it with the new copy of the source.
tbmDeleteDelete records in the destination table that match records in the source table. The destination table must already exist and must have an index defined.


Note: TTdbBatchMode is defined in Unit TdbTypes.