tdbwkb is a small text-based free-ware tool for managing TurboDB tables. It is available for Windows and Linux and can be downloaded at tdbwkb offers commands for
• | Modifiying existing tables |
• | Show the table structure of existing tables |
• | Creating indexes for a table |
• | Deleting indexes for a table |
• | Repair a table and its indexes |
• | Switching between different databases |
Running tdbwkb will show the copyright and the tdbwkb prompt where you can enter the different commands. Enter help to show a list of available commands.
Here is a sample tdbwkb session to illustrate the available features.
dataweb Turbo Database Workbench Version 4.0.1 (TDB 6.1.6)
Copyright (c) 2002-2003 dataweb GmbH, Aicha, Germany
Homepage, Mail dataweb Team
Type 'help' to get a list of available commands.
tdbwkb> help
Abbreviations are not allowed. The commands are:
altertable Modifies an existing table.
bye Ends the tdbwkb session.
cd Changes the current directory.
debug Toggles debug mode. (Debug mode prints log messages.)
delindex Deletes an index from a table.
deltable Deletes all files of a table.
help Prints this list of commands.
newftindex Create a new full text index for a table.
newindex Creates a new index for a table.
newtable Creates a new table.
pwd Prints current working directory.
show Shows a rough preview of the table.
switchdb Opens another database.
rename Renames a table.
repair Rebuilds a table and all its indexes.
tableinfo Shows the description of a table.
Type help <cmd> to get more specific help for a command.
Note: You may also use tdbwkb in batch mode by appending the command directly
to the call. Example:
tdbwkb tableinfo mytable
tdbwkb> newtable animals S40Name,A'Land,Water,Air'Area,PImage,MDescription,N'Name'RecordId
Creating table animals.dat with these columns:
1 S40 Name
2 A Area, Values = Land,Water,Air
3 P Image
4 M Description
5 N RecordId
tdbwkb> tableinfo animals
Retrieving structure of table animals.dat...
Table columns:
1 S40 Name
2 A Area, Values = Land,Water,Air
3 P Image
4 M Description
5 N RecordId
animals.inr RecordId:4 Name:40
tdbwkb> altertable animals n2=S40Family
Restructuring table animals.dat to these columns:
1 S40 Name
2 S40 Family
3 A Area, Values = Land,Water,Air
4 P Image
5 M Description
6 N RecordId
tdbwkb> newindex animals byfamily Family,Name
tdbwkb> tableinfo animals
Retrieving structure of table animals.dat...
Table columns:
1 S40 Name
2 S40 Family
3 A Area, Values = Land,Water,Air
4 P Image
5 M Description
6 N RecordId
animals.inr RecordId:4 Name:40
byfamily.ind Family:40, Name:40