Diagramming Framework
Using the NShape framework, applications let
users view, annotate, modify and create diagrams. Enhance your application
with a graphical editor.
:: Sophisticated Visualization
In modern user interfaces diagrams play a
major role increasingly. The range goes from simple visualization
of dependencies using graphical programming to graph-oriented user
interfaces like those used in the automation technology for example.

:: Designing
The important point is however that visualization
alone is far from being sufficient. Users want to and must also
be able to edit them. They want to customize the design, add comments,
make the layout more appealing or create new diagrams from scratch.
This is the vision of NShape.
:: Integration
NShape integrates perfectly into the application
environment in all aspects:
- The adapter technology enables you to employ your own controls
for the toolbox and the overview.
- The persistency mechanism allows direct integration into
the data storage of the application.
- The extensibility of the shape libraries provide ways to
customize and build your own shapes.
- The versatile presentation of the shapes through styles
and designs allows NShape to adapt to the presentation of the
surrounding application.
- The use of all components is optional. So you can create
whatever will satisfy your demand - from a simple canvas up
to a complete editor.
Visio is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
:: Visio(TM)
in your App
means that your application includes a full-featured
diagram editor, which can be adapted for a large variety of applications.
- Flowcharts
- Organigrams
- Circuit Diagrams
- Human Machine Interfaces
- Finite State Machines
- Project Schedules
All this and much more NShape offers to you.
And beside the amount of editor-features there are three essential
features that differ NShape from other diagramming libraries:
- NShape was designed from ground up for editing and not mainly
for displaying and contains all the required designer components
out of the box.
- NShape was designed for full integration into your application.
It is not a foreign object in your program, but adapts to all
- NShape is highly scalable and is the only diagramming framework
that provides an built-in interface to an RDBMS.
:: Features
- Shape library that currently contains 80 different shapes
- Connecting shapes via defined glue points
- Unlimited Undo/Redo for all operations
- Using templates all shapes of a category can be quickly
changed or replaced.
- Styles and designs provide a uniform look for all shapes.
- User-defined menus on the shapes enable NShape to be used
as an interactive diagram.
- With a sophisticated access rights management, you determine
what kind of modificiations the user may perform.
- Optional components allow storing diagrams in XML and relational
:: Demonstration Videos
Watch an NShape video
:: The NShape
The NShape Project is hosted on GitHub
and on Codeplex, where you can get further informations and Downloads: