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:: NEWS :: NShape 2.3.0 released with support for embedded images in NShape files, moving diagrams by dragging, a significant increase in the number of layers, and many other features and improvements. For a complete list of changes see..

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NShape Feedback

In order to improve the quality of our product, it would be very helpful to learn something about your opinion.

Please take a minute or two to answer the questions on the right side.

No, we will not use your details for anything other than this purpose and we will not hand them out to anybody else. This is codified that way in our "Privacy Statement".

Your opinion about NShape

I like it and I will continue work with it
I like it, but have no need for it at the moment
it is not the kind of product I expected
I need a product like NShape but was not satisfied

These points should be improved in particular

introductory documentation, e.g. tutorial
amount of documentation
software design of the framework
functional scope of the framework
framework's consistency
software stability
introductory sample programs
number of sample programs
Please briefly write some lines about your suggestions, comments or the difficulties you have encountered.

May we contact you in this regard? If so, we need your
e-mail address: